Mission and objectives

We live in a globalized world, characterized by dynamic and multicultural societies, with extremely high mobility levels, particularly within Europe. Higher education has the responsibility to prepare its students for todays’ world, which includes the development of their multicultural awareness, the use of English as a working language and the knowledge about other countries systems and values.

To attain its objectives, the School of Health considers internationalization a priority. Sharing knowledge and experiences, both within education and research, becomes a relevant development process and facilitates to attain its previously defined objectives.

The International Workgroup within the school, coordinated by one of the vice-deans, aims to facilitate the whole internationalization process, articulates with the Central International Office (CIMOB), and also internally, with the board, the departments and the course leaders.

School of Health International Coordinator:

Madalena Gomes da Silva (madalena.silvanull@ess.ips.pt)