
Degree in Nursing
Degree in Acupuncture
Degree in Speech Therapy
Degree in Physiotherapy

Master Degree in Nursing
MSc in Physiotherapy - Area of Specialization: Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy

MSc in Advanced Neurological Physiotherapy

We live in a globalized world, characterized by extremely high mobility levels, multicultural and dynamic societies.  Higher education institutions have the responsibility to prepare their students for such world and simultaneously be competitive in it.

The School of Health at Setubal's Polytechcnic considers the internationalization of its activities a prioritiy in order to full fill its purpose.

Sharing knowledge and experiences with other cultures, at an educational, research and transfer to practice levels, is a natural outcome of internationalization and contributes to the institutions' aims.

The U-inter aims to promote and enable the internationalization at the School of Health, articulating internally with the Board and all departments, well as with the IPS Centre for International Mobility (CIMOB -

2023 - International Semester - HERE!

U-inter Coordinator

Madalena Ramos Lopes Gomes da Silva

Administrative Support
